• Who is Zia?

    And how can she help you to be your healthiest and have more freedom in life?

  • My Upbringing

    My upbringing was anything but conventional. Born and raised in Bandung, West Java (Indonesia), I was immersed in a unique blend of spirituality and holistic practices from a young age.


    My late mother was not only a religious leader in our community but also owned a beauty salon, where her artistic flair as a skilled beautician and makeup artist truly shone. On the other hand, my father, a shaman, delved into the world of spiritual medicine, offering healing for non-physical ailments.


    Growing up surrounded by these influences, my curiosity in spirituality and metaphysics deepened laying the foundation for a lifelong journey that seamlessly merges the sacred with beauty.


    This unique path is dedicated to nurturing not only the mind and body but also the soul.
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    My mother has been a huge role model for me. Not only in her role as a teacher but how she always made the unachievable to be possible.

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    It took a long time to finally embrace the gift passed down to me from my father's lineage.

  • Health issues have also been another area that stirred me in the direction I'm facing today. I've been underweight since childhood and have had continuous battles with bronchitis and food intolerances. One of the most challenging conditions I've dealt with has been scoliosis.
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    The first x-ray result of my spine back in 2009. It had already reached a 35-degree curvature.




  • Challenging Health Imbalance

    Due to this imbalance, sitting straight for more than 10 minutes was uncomfortable as my spine would start to hurt. The doctors' diagnosis and advice didn't help to build my positivity either. They said that the curvature would increase each year, and the pain would only worsen. That also meant that I'd get shorter as time went by due to gravity.
    The two 'cures' that the doctor recommended for me were to wear a spinal brace and surgery (once the curvature reached 40 degrees). Neither was an option for me, as I couldn't afford them.

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    And example of a scoliosis brace.

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    The metal rod along the spine to fix scoliosis.

  • For years, I lost hope and questioned the point of living if my health would only get worse with time. Limited access to health experts & information, as well as the financial challenge I faced, became the catalyst for my own healing and work today.





  • The Turning Point

    Instead of relying on allopathic medicine, I sought a more holistic and less risky alternative to healing. This intention led me to live in Bali for seven years and Thailand for two years, where I learned various healing modalities. I also travelled extensively to other countries to continuously expand my knowledge.
    Ayurveda and its sister science, Vedic astrology, are the two primary modalities I use to support my health & wellness (which I now practise with my clients and students). While Ayurveda is the science that can support people in becoming their healthiest, Vedic astrology is the light that can guide people to live their life purpose.
    Besides these two modalities, I'm also a certified yoga therapist, trained in Qi Gong, dance therapy, and other forms of bodywork.
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    Back in 2010 (left), and after applying the principles of Ayurveda (right), on weight loss and diet for my body type.

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    I never knew that my diet & lifestyle could give a tremendous effect to my acne. No make-up or digital edit on the right photos.

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    Five years transformation of my spine. No digital edit or manipulation done to these photos.


  • My Offering for You

    My journey wasn't just about personal healing; it was a realization of a greater purpose. Born into a unique family and upbringing, and guided by insights from remarkable teachers worldwide, I felt an undeniable calling to share the wisdom and tools that catalyzed transformative change in my life.


    My role is to connect you with wisdom that may not be readily available and make it applicable in the context of busy, modern living.


    In essence, I am here to share what I've received, and to offer you a bridge between timeless wisdom and modern life. I firmly believe that life gains profound meaning when we can share and uplift others on their unique journeys.


    I look forward to sharing more with you,
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    The lovely souls who came to my very first Ayurvedic Beauty workshop in 2016, in Bandung - Indonesia.

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    Group photo at the end of my very first Soul Purpose workshop in 2016, in Jakarta - Indonesia.