Power is a lot like fire. It can be used for a good reason (like cooking), or for a bad cause (like burning plastic!). Makanya, tiap kali aku ketemu orang yang bisa menggunakan power-nya untuk kebaikan orang sekitar dan dunia, aku selalu amazed! Karena buat meregulasi "power" ini sebenernya perlu skill tersendiri. Dan belum lagi soal godaan-godaan yang mungkin muncul hehe.
Jadi saat aku cari orang yang pas buat aku ajak ngobrol buat topik kali ini (and that's on embracing the power within), I couldn't think of a better person other than @helgaangelina . Ibunya @burgreens, @thebulkstorenco, dan juga @jeda.wellnest .

In this last episode for our first season, we talked about:
Part I
👉(05:39) Proses Helga buat embracing and owning her strength and power
👉(11:32) Emotional healing journey-nya Helga dan kenapa penting buat beresin isu ini
👉(17:10) Hubungan emotional dengan physical issue yang dialami Helga
👉(28:00) What to do when others finding it difficult to accept you and your strengths
Part II
👉(02:02) Gimana cara attracting pertemanan yang baik buat kamu
👉(12:36) Healing modalities favorit Helga
👉(22:38) 2 hal tersulit dalam hidup Helga yang justru menjadi guru terbaiknya
After you got a chance to listen to this episode, here's a question for you: what's the one thing that you learnt from this class?
Share your learning point(s) on the comment below (with as many details as you can!), so that others can also learn from you.
With so much love,
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